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Sampler Energy PE-1650N
Download specificationКонструкция обеспечивает легкую и быструю смену бутылки.
ТУ 25.99.29-001-0100372716-2017
ГОСТ 2517-12 "Нефть и нефтепродукты. Методы отбора проб"
При длине троса (глубина отбора) больше 5 метров, подъемное устройство комплектуется деревянной катушкой.
PE-1650 sampler is used by oil refineries, gas stations, tank farms.
Special features
The sampler is manufactured of AISI 304
Sampler’s rope is made of stainless steel alloy A2,A4
A rope-sampler connection has constant current line
Bolts, hooks, latches are made of stainless steel alloy A2,A4
Has an earthening cable 1.4 m long with gripe of "Crocodile" type